With the global spread of coronavirus at a lightning pace, it is essential to have a strong immune system to combat it effectively. As of now, there is no medical cure to this pandemic. However, maintaining hygiene and having a healthy food consumption pattern can help you prevent being the victim of this disease.

The best way to protect yourself is to follow simple habits like sleeping well, exercising, meditating and finding the best ways to reduce stress for a more effective immune system. Although certain food items can make a huge difference in increasing immunity.

Include These 5 Types of Food Items on a Regular Basis:

1. Garlic

Garlic contains Allicin, a sulfur-containing compound, due to which it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and it is highly effective in cold, flu and boosting the immune system preventing your susceptibility of getting diseases.

Ways to consume:

2. Ginger:

Ginger is a strong antioxidant that has been proven to naturally boost the immune system. Ginger contains many vitamins, some of which are magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium. Ginger also helps to fight cold-causing viruses and is also known to combat chills and fever.

How to consume:

3. Broccoli:

Broccoli contains vitamin-c which is a powerful antioxidant, along with vitamin-c broccoli is also rich in beta-carotene which is needed for a strong immune system.


How to consume:

  • You can eat broccoli raw as a Salad.
  • Broccoli can also be eaten in the form of cooked vegetables.

4. Vitamin-C Foods:

Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin-C which is known as an immune-boosting super-nutrient. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, meaning it neutralizes free radicals generated by the body’s normal metabolism and also builds collagen, a tough protein found in skin and connective tissues.

Vitamin C also helps in directing immune cells called “neutrophils” to the site of infection protecting the body.

Following are the Vitamin-C Fruits to add to your diet:

5. Foods Rich in Zinc & Carotenoids:

Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in the production of certain immune cells. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) caution that even mildly low levels of zinc may impair your immune function.

Carotenoids contain anti-oxidant properties and are a class of pigments that are naturally found in a number of plants. When consumed, carotenoids are converted into vitamin A (a nutrient that helps regulate the immune system).

Foods Rich in Zinc:

Foods Rich in Carotenoids:

Increasing immunity is a critical part of beating the diseases at the 1st stage itself. Everyone is surrounded around the viruses, some people’s immunity system beat the viruses and some people’s immunity systems get those viruses.

“As said, Prevention is better than cure. Increase your immunity and Beat the odds of getting the viruses.”

Also Read: How To Make Hand Sanitizer at Home: Dr. Ian Smith.

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