Our success in life can not be measured by how hard are we working. Working hard is just one of the parameters of success.

No of hours putting in the work is not enough, efforts in the right direction and working with efficiency are equally important to create great things in life.

Here are the: 3 mistakes people do while Working Hard.

1. No Introspection on work:

So many times I see people working hard but not getting the desired results. They keep pushing themselves and keep investing time doing the work still others working less time remain ahead of them.

The foremost mistake they do is they don’t review their work. You set a goal and start doing it and you are continuously doing it but Are you doing it the right way? Are you efficient in it?

Consistent questioning and analyzing your work, direction, and asking yourself ways to improve whatever you are doing is the key to master the craft?

Answer the below questions for a quick Analysis of your work & life:

  1. Am I getting the desired results?
  2. Can there be a better way to do this work?
  3. What’s going wrong preventing my results?
  4. What do I need to change in order to improve my results?

When you actively introspect & ask yourself these questions, you get in a positive feedback loop of improving your work.

First, you need to see you are getting the right results or not and then consistently update your path and actions in order to improve your results from wherever you are.

#ReflectionWithDedicatedTime: Means, you put “reflection on work” as a task in your list and actively do it.

If you don’t introspect & reflect on the quality of your work and output from your time. You better start doing it today.

2. LessĀ Focused Sessions:

There is a difference between doing quality work and giving a large amount of unfocused time to your work.

People generally start crossing off most-unimportant tasks off the list and at the end of the day most important tasks are left and those tasks whenever been picked are done with all sorts of distractions around. If it’s not easy for you to focus, you will actively look for distractions.

Working with distractions around giving hours to something or choosing to work focused single-mindedly trying to push your cognitive capabilities and getting things done in time makes a huge difference in productivity.

Focus is built by doing focused work repeatedly, it’s a mental push.

This not only improves your in general skillset to do the things but is actually smart work. It’s smart in the sense you can better utilize your rest of the time for fun or extra work.

Action: Pick the most important tasks & justify the focus on them.

3. Working too Hard & No Fun:

Just working and no fun is the best way to ruin the results over a period of time.

Creative work insights show up when we are relaxing after focused work sessions. The problems we are stuck on and are not able to solve, ideas show up when our brain is in a wandering state after being focused on the problem for some time. Random ideas generate during the relaxation period which improves our business & work.

Taking breaks from work at times is proven by science to improve the work efficiency, over the period of time you will be more efficient, creative, & will be getting more done in Less Time.

#IntrospectTimely #GetFocused #HaveFun #MakeSuccessViral


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