“Life — Familiarity by all, Understood by some, And Experienced by only a few.”

“Only those who are living life at its best or have lived it some time, Have Experienced Life”

In Your Life

Life is there – When you are Happy.

Life is there – When you are Present.

Life is there – When you can Feel the Essence of Living,

And When “You are controlling your life – Not being controlled by it.”

Life moves on in an easy way in our early age. But as we start growing we start stumbling in life: face hard times, difficulties, stress, relations, always running out of time; most of the time f***ed up with to do things in life.

All these things explain that it’s your life that is controlling you, it’s not you who is controlling life. (Something you need to change & I am here to help you in.)

Also life is more about your perspective. It’s more how you react to things, not what is thrown at you. Your perspective towards situations, scenes, everything that is in your life has the ability to shape everything in your life.

Well said by James Allen in his book “As a Man Thinketh”

Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: —
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is But his looking-glass.

“Your perspective (Your outlook) towards things, situations, people, can shape everything in your life, and eventually your life.”

This is the 1st post towards a change in your life, and bringing back “Life” into the Life.

Over a period of time, your way to look at your Life will be completely changed.

  Stay Connected       ~&~       Live A Lot”      

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